Tag Archives: Heating Repair

Summertime Maintenance Tips For Your Home

Summer is arguably one of the best times to entertain guests. The weather is great, you can grill outside, and if you have a pool you can keep cool and enjoy some sunny rays. Having guests over means you want your home to look it’s best. You may have already completed your spring cleaning list, but there are plenty of summer maintenance tips you can follow for your home to improve its overall appearance. Not only that, but consistent maintenance (not just in the summer, but year round) will keep your house in the best shape possible making unnecessary repairs unlikely. So what are these summertime maintenance tips for your home? Keep reading!

Roof Check

You and your home made it through the winter, now it’s time to see if there was any damage! Take advantage of summer days when weather isn’t an issue to check the status of your roof. Look for any shingles in need of repair, or anything loose, rotting, or rusty. Roof repairs should be fixed in the summer with plenty of time to get them done before fall and winter arrive.

Clean Gutters

After a long winter and wet spring, summer is the perfect time to clean out your gutters and drainage. Remove any debris that has accumulated, and remove any blockages. Take some Cleaning gutters filled with leaves and sticks.time inspecting your gutters and drain pipes for any bending, dents, or other damaged areas where water could be leaking onto your roof or siding. If they are minor, you can usually make these repairs yourself with a few simple adjustments or new brackets. If you haven’t already, it’s also a good idea to take a look at your yard and the slope for water drainage. If you’ve noticed wet areas in your lawn or puddles, you’ll want to regrade that part of your lawn this summer.


Air Conditioning Tune Up

Before summer gets too hot, hopefully you called up a trustworthy HVAC repair expert for an air conditioning tune up. This should be a priority on your summer maintenance list to An air conditioning repairman working on a compressor unit.avoid being stuck without AC on a hot, hot day. A tune up and inspection of refrigerant levels will keep your AC running smoothly all summer long and keep your utility bills in check. As the days heat up you’ll be happy to know that your fan, and all of the coils are cleaned and functioning properly. If you haven’t had your AC tune up yet this summer, call Complete Heating and Air without delay to catch any repairs before they’re necessary. And don’t forget to change your air filter too! This should be done about once a month.

Pressure Wash Exterior

Summer is the perfect time to give your exterior a nice washing. Use a pressure washer to remove any dirt, or stains. If you find mold or mildew, which can quickly be exacerbated by summer heat and humidity, it’s time to removing it with a scrub brush and a diluted bleach solution.  

If you take care of all of these things your house will be in tip-top shape for the upcoming months.

Senior man opening air conditioning filter in ceiling

Set Your HVAC Filter Changing To An Annual Cleaning Schedule

Having a set schedule for hard-to-remember tasks can make a world of difference. If you know you are going to do a load of laundry every Thursday, it is harder to forget, it becomes a habit, and you have clean clothes to wear. So why not do the same thing when it comes to your HVAC filter?

Changing your HVAC filter is an important task that is easily forgotten by many homeowners. It is usually out of sight so it is easy to forget about. Not to mention all of the other tasks and to-do’s that are on your mind! Set your HVAC filter changing to an annual cleaning schedule will keep your HVAC system running smoothly, the air in your home will improve, and you can avoid unnecessary repairs or expenses by staying on top of these important tasks.

What should your annual cleaning schedule look like? Well, a lot of that will depend on you, your lifestyle, and your current schedule. But if you don’t really have a schedule yet we are here to help! Below you can find a basic and annual HVAC maintenance schedule, that will help prevent the need for repairs. It also includes a designated time to change your HVAC filter. This schedule includes an HVAC filter change each quarter, but check with your manual as some systems require a filter change once a month.



  • Change your HVAC filter
  • Have you HVAC system inspected by a professional
    • Whether or not your HVAC system is having any problems and no matter how old it is, you should have it inspected, serviced, and cleaned once a year by trained professionals like those at Complete Heating and Air. Spring is a great time to do this inspection; it has been working for you throughout the winter to keep your home warm, and will continue to work for you keeping your home cool.
  • Check the condensate drain
  • Making sure the drain is working will keep your humidity levels in check and prevent water damage.


  • Change your HVAC filter
  • Clean evaporator and condenser air conditioning coils
  • This is important to do before the summer months because dirty coils mean your system will have a hard time keeping you cool during the summer heat!


  • Change your HVAC filter
  • Lubricate all moving parts
  • Check that all motors and moving parts have enough lubrication as you gear up for winter. The more friction the more electricity you will use, so it’s important to diminish any unnecessary amount of friction!
  • Tighten all electrical connections
  • Improper electrical connections could put you at risk for an accident and shorten the life of your HVAC system as well. Before the cold sets in, make sure everything is connected securely and properly.


  • Change your HVAC filter
  • Check your thermostat settings
  • Make sure you are warm enough during the evenings you’re at home, but when you’re away you can lower the temperature a few degrees to save some energy and money on your utility bill.  



Using Essential Oils For A Fresh & Better Smelling Home

Using Essentials Oils for a Better Smelling Home

When you are expecting company, you likely spend time tidying up and putting things away. You may even light a candle or spray some air freshener. While they smell nice, these products actually worsen the air quality in your home. But having a good smelling home is a great way to welcome guests and make them feel comfortable. You also deserve to have a great smelling home to enjoy every day! There is a way to make your home smell great without affecting your air quality. All you need is a new air filter and some essential oils!

Changing Your AC Filter

We’ve talked about the importance of getting an AC tune up from trusted professionals like those at Complete Heating and Air, as well as of regularly changing your air filter. Not only will these services allow your HVAC system to stay efficient and effective, it will improve the air quality in your home by capturing pollen, mold spores, dust, smoke, pet dander and smog. Simply changing your air filter may make a noticeable difference in the way your home smells.

Essential Oils and Your Air Filter

Changing your air filter may mean cleaner air, but it’s not going it give it a noticeably pleasant smell like a candle would. This is when those essential oils come in handy! You can actually make your home smell better by adding some essential oils to your AC filter.

To do this, make sure you start with a new air filter. You don’t want to add oils to one that is already dirty and clogged. Next, choose the scent you’d like to add to your air filter. Don’t be afraid to go bold here! And don’t be scared to try a combination of fragrances. Vanilla is a tried and true classic. Or, you can combine lemon and lavender, or peppermint and eucalyptus. The possibilities are endless and completely up to you.

Once you’ve decided on the new scent for your home, it’s time to put them on your filter. This step is simple; just place 15 to 20 drops directly on the air filter. You can place the drops on either side, but be sure to spread them out over the entire surface instead of concentrating each drop in one area. Do not use more than 20 drops. Then, pop your air filter back in. As the air blows through the filter and circulates through your home, so will the scent from your oils. The fresh scent should last several weeks. As it fades add a few more drops, and when the time comes to replace your air filter you can look forward to trying out a new combination of essential oils!

Swamp Coolers Too

Having a swamp cooler work to keep you comfortable this summer doesn’t mean you have to miss out on a great smelling home. Grab some cotton balls and mist with essential oils. Then, put the cotton balls on a disposable swamp cooler pad, add some cheesecloth on top, and staple the edges together. Put your scented pad in your swamp cooler and enjoy a better smelling home with improved air quality.